Honeycomb Cheesecake

I’ve been a little bit hesitant as to whether to post this recipe or not because to be honest, it was a complete disaster. I don’t know if it was me, my ingredients or the recipe but something just wasn’t right. Firstly, I do admit I ignored the instructions to grease and line the tin because I thought as it was a loose-bottomed tin, I’d be able to get the cheesecake out easy. Wrong. The biscuit base was incredibly oily from the butter and having left the cheesecake overnight to set, I found in the morning a honeycomb yoghurt floating in my fridge rather than the cheesecake I had intended on finding. Nevertheless, it was still pretty yummy, it just it didn’t look like a cheesecake, or even taste much like a cheesecake. Anyway, if you’d like to recreate this and hopefully make something that resembles some kind of cheesecake, the recipe is below! How many times have I said cheesecake?

HONEYCOMB CHEESECAKE honeycomb cheesecake

150g Butter
200g Digestive Biscuits
1 Vanilla Pod or 1 tsp Vanilla Essence
500g Cream Cheese
100g Caster Sugar
300ml Double Cream
4 Crunchies


1. Grease and line a spring form cake tin (23cm) or alternatively, this recipe will make 12 individual cheesecakes if you prefer to use ramekins.

2. Place the digestive biscuits in a zip-lock bag and bash using a rolling pin until fine.


3. Melt the butter in a saucepan over a low heat until melted. Add the biscuit crumbs and stir together.

4. Squash the biscuit base down into the bottom of the tin and leave to set in the fridge for at least one hour.

5. In a bowl, mix together the cream cheese, caster sugar and vanilla.

6. In a separate bowl, whisk cream the cream until soft peaks begin to form. Crush 2 or 3 Crunchies and add to the mix.


7. Gently fold the whisked cream and honeycomb mix to the cream cheese.

8. Pour the mixture on top of the biscuit base and leave to set for a few hours, or preferably overnight.

9. Finish by sprinkling some crushed honeycomb or chocolate for decoration.


If you have any idea why my cheesecake was a total flop, please let me know!

Everyone else on the original recipe seemed to say this was a success – maybe it’s just me!


– Charlotte x

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| Original Recipe | Honeycomb Smash Cheesecake |

| Previous Recipe | Gingerbread Cupcakes |

16 thoughts on “Honeycomb Cheesecake

  1. cakeboxfox says:

    I did have a thought about why it went ‘like a yogurt’. The moisture from the cheese and cream will react with the honeycomb, so a way round it is to use honeycomb pieces that are fully coated in chocolate so it doesn’t seep. Yay for science!
    Having asked my cheesecake making flatmate, he uses 75-100g butter per 200g biscuits, so you could either half the butter or double the biscuits for a more solid base. Hope it helps!

    • bakewithmeblog says:

      That does make sense, I can totally see where you’re coming from. I’ll definitely look out for honeycomb coated in chocolate for when I give it another go. Thanks for your help, and your cheesecake making flatmate too! 🙂

  2. Cathy says:

    Even though the cheesecake didn’t set properly, this sounds delicious! Do you think it failed because of the liquid-nature of the honeycomb? (I think another comment mentioned that as well).

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